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Las Vegas Shooting Lawsuit

Las Vegas Shooting Lawsuit

On October 1, 2017 at 10:05 PM tragedy struck Las Vegas when disturbed gunman, Stephen Paddock, began firing into a crowd of festival goers enjoying a Jason Aldean concert at the Route 91 festival. Perched from his hotel suite on the 32nd floor at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, the gunman fired rounds across the Strip into the crowd, killing 58 people and wounding at least 500 others. To date, this tragedy has been labeled the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.

Who May Be Liable?

In the aftermath of the Las Vegas shooting, numerous victims and authorities have raised the question of whether this incident was foreseeable, and thus preventable. For instance, it has been learned that the gunman had checked into Mandalay Bay on September 25, and over the course of several days he brought up at least 10 suitcases that held over 23 guns, including modified semi-automatic assault rifles with bump stocks that allowed the weapon to shoot as a fully automatic rifle. Additionally, it has been reported that the gunman set up cameras outside of his room and kept a “do not disturb” sign on the door through his stay. More alarming, Paddock shot a hotel security guard in the hotel just six minutes before he began firing into the crowd. These facts support a claim that this incident was foreseeable, and Mandalay Bay security knew or should have known that the gunman posed a security risk.

Live Nation, the host of the Route 91 Festival at the Las Vegas Village venue may also be liable for failing to design, build and mark adequate exits in case of emergency, and failing to train and supervise employees in an appropriate plan of action in case of emergency. Simply, if Live Nation had an appropriate emergency plan in place, then possibly more people could have escaped and more lives could have been spared.

Also, there may be a claim against Slide Fire Solutions, LP, the manufacturer of the bump stock that was used to transform the gunman’s semi-automatic rifles into fully automatic rifles. The gunman likely would not have been able to kill or injure as many people had he not possessed a bump stock that allowed him to fire more rounds into the crowd.

Rights As A Victim

If you or a loved one has suffered injury or death as a result of this tragedy, The Pinkerton Law Firm and its team of experienced litigators is standing by to offer a free legal consultation to victims and their families. Chad Pinkerton has zealously represented families who have lost loved ones to gun violence that was foreseeable, and he intends to help the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, stating: “This was a tragedy like none other. Las Vegas is like a second home to me, and I am still in disbelief this happened, which is why I plan to represent the victims and their families against the companies that could have and should have prevented this incident.” – Chad Pinkerton.

In Nevada, Wrongful Death Claimants can bring a lawsuit on behalf of their loved one to recover medical expenses the decedent incurred before death, funeral expenses, and exemplary damages your decedent would have recovered if he or she had lived.

Injured individuals can bring a lawsuit to recover damages for all medical bills incurred, as well as lost wages, pain, suffering, physical impairment, disfigurement, PTSD or emotional distress, depression, anxiety, and general loss of enjoyment of life.

Also, if you were not physically injured, but were a bystander that has been suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or emotional distress since this incident, you can recover for emotional distress negligently inflicted by a defendant if you have suffered some physical manifestation of emotional distress, such as suffering from PTSD. The symptoms of PTSD can include insomnia, flashbacks, avoidance, and interference with relationships, among other issues.

We Are Here To Help

Similar lawsuits following the Columbine and Aurora Theater mass shootings were filed for the same reason, foreseeability on behalf of the premise owner and inaction from the government. Since the government won’t take action to control the sale and access to assault rifles that could be used in these shootings, we the people must take action through the Courts to ensure these tragedies don’t happen again, which includes holding a hotel responsible for allowing such a serious threat to go unnoticed for so long, or a gun manufacture selling a product only intended for killing on a mass scale.

Chad Pinkerton and the lawyers at the Pinkerton Law Firm, PLLC mourn for the victims of this tragedy, and offer our deepest condolences to those that have lost a loved one, or have suffered injury as a result of this incident. If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of this tragedy, please do not hesitate to immediately contact the Pinkerton Law Firm today for a free consultation. You can also sign up online.

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